HOA Documents

Governing Documents

Bylaws - Executed_65050a73-a657-4d27-8219-70a539c6d41e (1).pdf

HOA Bylaws

Bylaws dictate how an HOA should run. Since HOAs are considered corporations under law, they require bylaws to govern day-to-day operations.

Declaration of CCRs - Image to Text Version.pdf

Declaration of CCRs

Filed with the state, a declaration is a contract among property owners in a community. The owners jointly agree to accept certain obligations and restrictions on how properties can be used.

Articles of Incorporation_fa329544-5e20-4851-a829-6ed7bc025744.pdf

Articles of Incorporation

The creation of the HOA through legal documents that are used to form a corporation in Indiana.

Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the Union Crossing.pdf

Home Rental Restrictions

Approved by the residents of UC, this limits the number of homes that can be rented in the neighborhood and outlines the requirements that need to be met before a resident may rent out their home.

Forms and Processes 

UNC - 2022 Payment Options_58b44b91-a856-4a85-9005-fba65cd7be45.pdf

Payment Options for HOA Dues

Instructions and options for paying your annual HOA dues on time, or requesting a payment plan to avoid late fees. 

ACC Improvement Request Form

Request form for the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) used by homeowners to request approval for home improvement projects. 

Additional and Archival Documents